Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Second Window Screen, Rear Gable, Vent, and Cabinet doors

Today we were back at work on the coop. This afternoon I got the screening on the 2nd window. Then, I caulked some more. After soccer and Girl Scouts, we were back at it. John got the rear gable up and installed a vent. Then he cut the second door to the cabinet, and got it hung. While he was working away with the tools, I started clearing out all our tools and extras that had accumulated inside. So, once again...we are very near completion of the inside. So, tonight the kiddos and John are going to take a sleepover out in the coop. Hopefully by nightfall tomorrow the chickens will be resting peacefully in their new digs.

Thinking ahead for tomorrow....

~paint any missed spots on front interior wall.

~re-install stud braces on either side of doorway.

~prime and paint both cabinet doors.

~install hook and eyes to cabinets to keep then closed and to ceiling to hang open when needing access

~ frame out north facing window screen

~prime and paint the frame

~re-install door stop

~install chicken exit door(and whatever goes along with that)

~caulk last gap near ceiling at rear

~prime rear gable interior(remove vent first)

~paint rear gable interior

~re-install vent

~caulk any gaps

~prime and paint feet of roosts

~install hook and eyes on bottom of roost and ceiling

~prime and paint frame of screen in south facing window

~paint rafters

~hang chains to hold feeder and waterer

.......fill feeder and waterer and MOVE IN THE CHICKENS!


  1. Wow~that's alot to finish up. It's always the last little things that take a while. i hope you can get it all done today and move the girls into their new home tonight.

    What a sigh of relief when this is finally done.


  2. ugh...i know..i was really excited about the finishing up possibility until i made the list, and we have summer birthdays party at school, soccer, and end of the year all school picnic today. Now, I am hoping for rain to cancel some things off my busy day today..all in the name of chickens.
